Candy YOU SHOULD HAVE BEEN A STAR Lovely memory from Pat

Created by pholdenxxx 12 years ago
Many years ago we went to a dinner/cabaret 20's evening at Smithills Coaching House in Bolton. Candy and I dressed in roaring 20's outfits, long cigarette holders dead authentic-DEAD GLAM!! After the meal the cabaret began and the MC asked for volunteer singers. We persuaded Candy to get up. She had on this black 20's dress tassles and shimmering away- dead sexy. She sang, or should I say belted out the song ONE OF THESE DAYS YOUR GONNA MISS ME HONEY. She brought the house down and had to sing it about 6 times to everyones delight. The Mc offered her free drinks all night and tried to get here to do a regular spot there. She was at the peak of her form - a real sexy momma with a red hot sexy momma voice. Much as we loved Shirley Bassey-she would not have stood a chance against out Red Hot Mamma Candy that night. Her voice was at it's peak. SHE SHOULD HAVE BEEN A STAR. Lots of great memories REMEMBERED ALWAYS xxxxxxxxxx Pat